Q: As Successor Trustee, do my duties include searching for all assets the decedent may have owned?

by | Aug 28, 2024 | Q&A, Trust And Estate Administration |

A: Yes, you must at least make a diligent effort to do so. For example, we send the following message to all of our Successor Trustee clients:

“As part of the Trustee’s duty to collect and preserve as many assets as possible on behalf of the Trust, we always recommend that our clients perform an unclaimed property search with the California State Controller. To perform the search, please click on the following link: https://ucpi.sco.ca.gov/en/Property/SearchIndex, and enter information for the Decedent and then click on all the relevant Property ID numbers to initiate the recovery process for each respective claim. Please let us know if you have any questions about the recovery process.”